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Are You Indispensable?n

Are You Indispensable?

Posted: October 4, 2017

Seth Godin's Linchpin is for you. Your boss. Your team.

Linchpin is about leading, and change, and fear, and succeess.

You couldn't write this book ten years ago, because ten years ago, the economy wanted you to fit in. It took care of you . . . if you fit in. Now, the world wants something different. This book exposes a multi-generational conspiracy to sap your creativity.

What if you learned a different way of seeing? A different way of giving? A different way of making a living? What if you could do it, without leaving your job? (Or joining a network marketing scheme.)

A way . . . to contribute your true self and your best work.

Are you up for that?

Git Sum (un)common sense,

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