Data Science Programming for the DataScientist<!-- --> | <!-- -->Assume Wisely
7x7 Interview Challenge

From Data Science

Seven interviews in seven days. That's the goal. If you've failed at interviewing, it's not your fault. Information overload is real and it will keep you from success. If that's you, it's ok. You are in the right place.

December 19, 2023

From Data Science

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Hume's turkey lives on a farm. From this turkey's perspective life is good. Of course, there are bad days . . .

November 23, 2023

From Data Science

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A Data Scientist I is responsible for analyzing and interpreting complex data sets to help businesses make informed decisions. This role involves designing experiments and creating predictive models. Often the primary value add for the business is communicating data-driven insights to stakeholders.

April 7, 2023

From Data Science

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Counterfactual analysis can be used to determine the lift of a campaign or ad.

September 3, 2022

From Data Science

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Attempts at controlling extreme risk should come with a warning, here be dragons.

July 8, 2021

From Data Science

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As a data scientist you are probably familiar with coding. But what happens after you build your model. You can't ship a python notebook.

January 15, 2021

From Data Science

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This week I spent some time thinking about what data I want in my data warehouse.

April 28, 2018

From Data Science

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That is because perceptions are hard to change. Perceptions are like averages in that respect. It doesn't matter . . .

March 16, 2018

From Data Science

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Watch this video first! You are going to have a hard time with this blog if you don't.

March 7, 2018

From Data Science

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The goal of this visualization is less to present a specific narrative and more to provide a tool that gives a decision maker or interested person the ability to look into the data themselves.

February 15, 2018

From Data Science

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I was interested in the churches role and influence in Africa so i looked up some numbers. Just the facts; no song and dance.

November 19, 2017

From Data Science

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The job of a datascientist is to separate signal from noise. Signal represents valuable consistent relationships that we want to learn. Noise is the random correlations and stuff that will not occur again in the future.

October 18, 2017

From Data Science

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Naked Economics Chapter 8 Summary: Boiled down to a simple idea, the tail effectively wags the dog.

July 22, 2017

From Data Science

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There are two issues with this number. First you will run into trouble if you look for averages where there aren't any.

July 1, 2017

From Data Science

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Hate is a strong word. But I do hate seeing averages used as KPIs. The problem is . . .

April 17, 2017

From Data Science

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To confuse them is to literally confuse a thoughtful response with failing to respond.

October 31, 2016

From Data Science

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Did you know what three Excel shortcuts save the most time? A: Cut, copy, paste.

September 14, 2015

From Data Science

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Did you know what three Excel shortcuts save the most time? A: Cut, copy, paste.

September 7, 2015

From Data Science

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Do you remember what that is called?

January 2, 2012

From Data Science

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It is a romantic suggestion that a neighborhood will come together in tragedy, albeit temporarily. However, anecdotal evidence does suggest that under such circumstances the criminal element will lay low and bide its time until the heightened level of caution and police presence subsides. While this makes intuitive sense, is there evidence to support such a conclusion?

November 1, 2011

From Data Science

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Attempts at controlling extreme risk should come with a warning, here be dragons.

August 15, 2011

From Data Science

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Attempts at controlling extreme risk should come with a warning, here be dragons.

June 16, 2011

From Data Science

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Before and After. This is a basic comparison of means for the time periods before and after treatment. For this specification we assume that Y in the post-treatment period is equal to Y in the pre-treatment period in the absence of treatment.

March 20, 2011

From Data Science

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I was interested in the churches role and influence in Africa so i looked up some numbers. Just the facts; no song and dance.

March 11, 2011

From Data Science

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This is my methodology / algorithm for completing a literature review on any given topic.

February 20, 2011

From Data Science

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If we develop a company specific factor model of the risk premium that includes these variables among other significant variables, we should be able to identify company specific traits with explanatory power.

January 25, 2011

From Data Science

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This site will take any document (blog) and reduce it to it’s key themes. I can think of several interesting applications for introspection and pre-reading . . .

November 1, 2010

From Data Science

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Naked Economics Chapter 13 Summary: Boiled down to a simple idea, we can split that atom, land on the moon, decode the human genome, yet two billion people live on less than $2 a day. Their economies have failed them.

April 7, 2009

From Data Science

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Naked Economics Chapter 10 Summary: Boiled down to a simple idea, prices rise when the government prints too much money.

March 14, 2009

From Data Science

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Naked Economics Chapter 9 Summary: Boiled down to a simple idea, a country’s standard of living depends on its ability to produce.

March 7, 2009

From Data Science

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Organized Interests definition: a group of people or an organization seeking or receiving special advantages, typically through political lobbying. Another term is special interest.

February 28, 2009

From Data Science

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According to, A Monetary History of the United States, ineffective monetary policy accompanied every severe recession and every significant inflationary period over the past and century

February 25, 2009

From Data Science

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Keynes provided an alternate school of thought and a solution. Keynes introduced the idea of marginal propensity to consume; a number that indicates a persons likeliness to spend an extra dollar. He used this to develop his solution, government spending on public resources so as to fill the gap left by consumption and investment.

January 25, 2009

From Data Science

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Naked Economics Chapter 2 Summary: Boiled down to a simple idea, be wary of what you wish for because it might not be what you want. Incentives matter but like a genie in a bottle they are problematic.

January 7, 2009